Making a Bequest
What is a Bequest?
A bequest is a donation from your estate which you give to family, friends or your favourite charity (such as Hospice). This is recorded in your Will under the guidance of your legal advisor.
Your bequest can be:
A specific sum of money or a percentage of your estate - what may seem like a considerable amount now may be significantly reduced over time. Nominating a percentage of your estate will ensure your gift is not restricted by inflation
Residue of your estate - once all other gifts and expenses are taken care of, the Hospice of your choice can receive what is left
Specific gift of asset or property - which we can use or sell as appropriate.

Why make a Bequest to Hospice
Your support means that Hospice can continue the care of terminally ill patients and support their families/whānau now and into the future. Your bequest will support the work of the Hospice of your choice, beyond your lifetime and will ensure we can continue to keep our services free of charge for the people living in our communities for years to come.
A bequest is an excellent way to contribute to Hospice in a way that does not affect your financial situation now. Once you have taken care of those closest to you, a bequest to your favourite charity can be one of the most important gifts you can give.
Any funding received by Hospice Mid-Northland or Far North Community Hospice stays within it's local community.

What would Hospice Mid-Northland or Far North Community Hospice use my Bequest for?
When you make a bequest to Hospice, you are able to specify what you would like the proceeds to go towards. Our Chief Executive, Belinda Watkins would be happy to discuss our operations with you and which areas are most in need, should you require this information to assist you in making any decision. Belinda can be contacted on 09 407 7799.
The cost of providing hospice services in the Mid and the Far North area (from Towai in the South to the Cape in the North and coast to coast in between) is millions per annum. Funding is provided from Te Whatu Ora, however this contributes to 37% of Hospice Mid Northland's overall operating costs and 50% for the Far North. The remaining balance needed for us to continue providing our high standard of care and services free of charge, relies on fundraising activity, donations and income from our five Hospice Shops.
Unless specific conditions are made, your bequest would be used to continue to provide free specialist palliative care within our community, including the purchase of medical equipment, supplies, vehicles used specifically in the care of patients, educational and information resources as well as our general operating costs.

Making a Bequest
If you would like to discuss a bequest, please contactour Chief Executive, Belinda Watkins on 09 407 7799. Your contribution is greatly appreciated, and of significant value to our organisations and communities.