Help Hospice
We rely on the generous donations from our communities to keep our specialist palliative care free of charge for those living with a life-limiting illness. Please click the Donate Now button if you would like to make a donation to Hospice.
Regular Giving Campaign
Join a growing number of loyal supporters who have set up a regular gift to make a big difference in the lives of many.
Regular supporters give a set donation of their choice each month, ensuring that Hospice can provide quality care to all that need it.
Giving regularly using an automatic payment from your bank account means being able to contribute a manageable amount at a frequency that suits you. Fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annual options are available, and no amount is too big or too small. Joining this ‘group’ is a great help to us so we can budget effectively and plan ahead.
It's easy and convenient too, as we are able to provide one consolidated receipt each year. You may be able to claim a tax credit of 33.33 cents for every dollar you donate. You will be in complete control of your gift, choosing how often you give, the amount you give and whether you want to give to the Mid North or Far North – it can also be paused or stopped at any time.
Thank you for your support!
A bequest is a donation from your estate, which you give to family, friends or your designated charity. Bequests need to be recorded in your Will under the guidance of your legal advisor. As a registered charitable trusts, Hospices are able to receive bequests and greatly appreciates these generous contributions.
Your bequest can be:
A specific sum of money or a percentage of your estate - what may seem like a considerable amount now may be significantly reduced over time. Nominating a percentage of your estate will ensure your gift is not restricted by inflation
Residue of your estate - once all other gifts and expenses are taken care of, the Hospice of your choice is able to receive what is left.
Specific gift of asset or property - which we can use or sell as appropriate
You can find out more about bequests here or you can contact Hospice Mid-Northland and Far North Community Hospice, Chief Executive Belinda Watkins on 09 407 7799 to discuss how your bequest can serve Hospice and people living with a life-limiting illness in our community.

Hospice Kowhai Memorial Wall and Garden Project
The Kowhai Memorial Wall is a lasting reflection of love and friendship, providing quite contemplation for all visitors.
The Kerikeri Rotary Club are in the process of creating a Garden to compliment the Memorial Wall were people can come and contemplate and remember loved ones. It will also have a water feature where fresh flowerheads or floating candles can be placed as a way of remembering loved ones too.
Another way to homour a loved one is to purchase one the Memeorial Wall Kowhai Flowers which is limited to 100. Ceremonies are regualry held for the flowers and the new garden will make this an extra special event. See link below for more information.
Support Hospice Initiatives
There are many ways that you can help Hospice through our exisiting initiatives
Donate your time or money to Hospice activities and events - we always need a helping hand!
Donate goods to our five Hospice Shops in Kawakawa and Kerikeri and Kaitaia
Shop at our five Hospice Shops in Kawakawa and Kerikeri and Kaitaia
Bequest a gift to Hospice in your Will
Run your own event or attend our events.
Farming for Hospice - raise one of our calves on your property
Donate raffle items, this is a great way for us to raise money
Allow Hospice to tap your organisation's buying power for goods and services
Purchase green rubbish bags from Northland waste at participating retail outlets - we receive 5cents of every bag sold. They are available at our main shop in Kerikeri and Kowhai Corner for $3.50 each.
Purchase any Cooper Tyre from Tyrepower Kerikeri and we receive $5 per tyre.
We are open to new ways of working with our community, so please contact us to discuss your ideas or find out more about one of ours.
Careers at Hospice
Hospice operates with a team of Specialist Palliative Care Nurses, a Family Support Co-ordinator, a dedicated Operations Team and a large number of regular and on-call volunteers. You can view our vacancies here and we welcome your enquiry at any time on 09 407 7799.

Volunteer with Hospice
We always need a helping hand and there are many ways that you can volunteer with Hospice. We could not fund the specialist palliative care equipment, facilities and services without the ongoing support of our valued volunteers.
There are six main ways that we call on our wonderful volunteers to Help Hospice:
Retail support for our Hospice Shops in Kawakawa, Kerikeri and Kaitaia
Sorting support for our Green Shed (Kerikeri Processing Centre) which sorts donations to supply our shops
As Lifter-Shifter Drivers, picking up and dropping off donated goods and specialist palliative care equipment between Hospice locations, homes and workplaces
Donating therapy time to our patients
Ad-hoc assistance to setup and run our fundraising events
To support our patients in their homes in non-medical ways, e.g. comforting presence/companionship, reading, carer respite. Our patients are lovingly supported by their friends and families, but sometimes a little extra support is needed.
Please contact us to discuss how you might help Hospice by volunteering your time or click here to find out more.
Tell us about what you enjoy doing, and the skills and knowledge that you have and we will work together to match your support to something that you will enjoy to benefit others.

Fundraising Ideas
There are many different ways to raise funds for Hospice within our community:
Host a luncheon, morning or afternoon tea with friends, family or workmates for a gold coin donation
Compete an event sponsored by friends, family and workmates
Choose Hospice Mid-Northland or the Far North Community Hospice as your designated charity for fundraising events
Host a mufti/casual day or disco at school for a gold coin donation
Host a workplace movie night
Hold a garage sale for unwanted items
Offer a dog wash, car wash, gardening or lawn mowing for Hospice
Donate your restaurant tips for an evening to Hospice
Community Business Day
We welcome all donations, so please contact our office to discuss 09 407 7799 to discuss ways that you may be able to help Hospice.

Project H - Making a REAL difference
Project H - Making a REAL difference
Are you looking at selling your home or property?
In the last 2 years, the REAL team have donated over $200,000!! This has enabled us to purchase both a car for the nurses and also an admin car. We now have a heat pump in our Kerikeri Shop. The summer, the temperature in this shop exceeds 37 degrees, so very much appreciated! Over $30,000 was raised with this years House Tour Event! We have also been given 2 x Defibrillators, one for our Furniture shop/Processing Centre and another one for our Kerikeri Shop. Our latest contribution is raising $30,000 at the Battle of the Ballroom Van auction.
REAL helping to keep all our community safe and cared for!
Our Sponors - Thankyou for your support