Health Professionals
A Coordinated Approach to Care
There can be many health professionals, family members and friends supporting a person who is living with a life-limiting illness. We spend time listening to our patients, assessing their on-going and changing needs in partnership with their existing health care team (eg General Practitioner, Oncology Departments) and carers. We make sure that our patient's symptoms are managed well, so that they can live the best that they can for as long as they are able.

Our criteria for referral is designed to stimulate critical thinking about who is being referred and why. We appreciate your time in providing as much relevant background information as possible, as it is valuable in our service delivery to our Hospice patients.
All enquiries regarding the Referral Process can be directed to Hospice Mid-Northland Clinical Manager Hannah Ledingham on 09 407 7799.
Palliative Care Specialist
Our Care Teams have access to Palliative Care Specialist Dr Warrick Jones, who is located at Northhaven Hospice in Whangarei. Warrick holds monthly patient clinics and he is also available for health professionals to contact him for palliative care advice and support on 09 437 3355.

Mauri Mate
A Māori Palliative Care Framework for Hospices
Mauri Mate has been written as guidance for the Hospices of Aotearoa. It is anticipated that this guide will be useful and adaptable for the services provided by primary care, aged residential care, Hospice teams and whānau care.
Te Pūtake o te Anga Pairuri Māori: Purpose of the Māori Palliative Care Framework
This Framework responds to issues that Māori have raised with service providers and researchers. The aim is to develop guidelines for Hospices, so adult Māori receive access to good palliative care which includes:
· good (quality) care in the lead-up to the end-of-life
· good comfort (compassionate) care at the end-of-life
· helpful whānau support during and after the illness, and the end-of-life (including spiritual care and grief support)
The Framework for Hospices was commissioned by Totara Hospice (South Auckland) jointly with Mary Potter Hospice (Wellington). A companion document to this framework is The Maori and Palliative Care Literature Review, authored by Kat Mason and Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell, Palliative Care and End-of-Life Research Group, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Auckland.
For more information,

Information and Resources
Palliative Care Handbook
The purpose of the handbook is to provide an easy to use resource that suggests ways to manage challenging symptoms. The handbook is useful in any place where palliative care happens - it gives confidence to those who use it and comfort to the people appoarching the end of their lives.
Standards of Palliative Care
On 13 April 2012, we released the Hospice New Zealand Standards for Palliative Care. The national standards and the accompanying quality review programme will provide a comprehensive continuous improvement framework for Hospices and will be applicable to all health services working with people who need a palliative approach to end of life care.
Palliative Care Lecture Series:
Hospice New Zealand are delighted to offer a free programme of monthly palliative care lectures online. You can regisiter via Hospice NZ and watch it in your own time and space. Once completed you can download a certificate.
Syringe Driver Training:
Hospice Mid-Northland and Far North Community Hospice provides Syringe Driver Training courses. Online learning is availble prior to a practical workshop run by the educator for Hospice Mid-Northland and Far North Community Hospice. Please email for dates of the practical workshop. Please note that the online component must be completed prior to attandance . See attached flyer.
The Fundamentals of Palliative Care Programme – Ngā Tūāpapa, o te Pairuri
A new, blended online learning programme
The Fundamentals of Palliative Care programme is designed for any healthcare worker, registered and non-registered staff caring for people with a palliative care need. Being educated about palliative care will help you improve the assessment and outcomes for people in your care, their family and whanau, as well as yourself and other healthcare workers.
Following a recent review, work commenced to make the Fundamentals programme available to a wider audience. Hospice New Zealand, in collaboration with its member hospices is excited to offer a new blended online learning Fundamentals of Palliative Care programme, for participants to enrol in.
Watch an overview of the online programme:
Watch this short (2 min) introductory video to help set you up before you get started. It includes what is covered in the programme, how to sign up, what you need to do to complete the programme and where to go for support.
You can also download this information flyer about the online programme.
The programme was launched nationally in 2012, since that time, regular reviews have occurred and in 2016 the Introduction to Spiritual Care package was added to the programme. Each year around 10,000 people nationally have taken part in one or more of the packages.
Knowledge Hub:
For more information and to enrol, visit the Knowledge Hub.
The Fundamentals of Palliative Care workshops associated with the online learning can be booked through your closest Hospice. Please note, you must complete the online learning prior to booking a workshop
Up coming palliative care education sessions:
Palliative Care Study Day - Presenters Dr Warrick Jones and Dr Di Murphy, Palliative Care Specilaists
Friday 26th July 2023 - Kaitiai Hospital, Meeting Room 8:30 - 4pm. Flyer
Practical workshop caring for people at the end of life for Health Care Assistants/Kaiáwhina.
Friday 11th August Kaitiai Hospitial, Whare Room - Ground Floor 12-3pm. If interested email Watch this space for a flyer!
Fundamentals of palliative care, practical workshop
Friday 8th September -Kaitiai Hospital, Meeting Room 8am - 5pm. Online must be completed prior or no attandance. Morning Tea provided bring your own lunch.
The lectures will be delivered via webcast on the first Thursday of every month from February to December 2023 from 7.30 to 8.30am.
Useful Links
Here are a number of useful links in relation to palliative care.